Sunday, December 11, 2011

Not a Failure

Two nights ago on Friday I was getting ready to go home early. I had finished my exams. To leave campus all I had to do was clean my room. I just wanted to take a nap but I ended up oversleeping by a few hours. I came out of my room after waking up and was getting ready to clean my room and pack up my car. I saw a friend on the hall came up and asked how he was doing he said fine. Just small talk. The conversation ended and as he left the hall. I just stood there frozen. I ran out of the hall caught up with him and asked what was going on. I really didn’t know but he had been thrown off the hall, his keys were taken away from him and his door was locked so he couldn’t get his stuff out of his room. After this I felt like something weird was up I called a friend who knew him better and asked him concerning my dorm mate’s stress. I told him I felt like something was up and he agreed. So I waited outside by dorm mate’s new hall for a few minutes while trying to get in. I eventually caught up to him and told him to come to dinner with me.  We got our food and sat down said grace and started eating. Nothing was being said and I had no clue what to do. I asked him what he was thinking. He was planning on killing himself. This entire time I was praying while he was talking. He just started crying. He has a hard time making friends and he had been thrown off of his hall a week before the semester ended. He said how he feels like no one cares about him and how he is a failure. He told me that no one would care if he died. I told him a cared and I was his friend. I told him that if he would have done this to himself he would hurt me. I told him not to hurt me and he made a promise that he wouldn’t again. I told him that other people care about him and that they would be hurt too if he had hurt himself. He texted them and they showed up within minutes and reinforced everything that was said. We talked for a long time. We got back to his new hall. His new R.A. hear the situation, called him up and hung out with him the entire night and introduced him to other guys on the hall. This all started because his roommates made him feel isolated and alone. That night something bad was going to happen and God saved his life. All people just need someone to talk to and someone to tell them how much they are worth in the eyes of God. He is priceless and now he knows it.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Big Thanks

So thanks to the people that helped and especially thanks to God. I saw Him the entire time. So it was the following day and we met Allen at his house. I came up and said “Hey, Allen. You remember when I said I could do everything I could.” He said ya. I told him why don’t you come over and help me out with some stuff in the car. Two cars fully stacked with food and $300 left over. He started crying a little and repeatedly said thank you. To be honest it was the most sincere reactions I have ever seen. To be honest I don’t think he understood what was happening. We unloaded food for about 20 minutes and I don’t think it had completely sunk into him yet. Anna his girlfriend was crying the entire time though in little bursts. Once everything was loaded in their house we told them we had money left over and we headed out to Wal-Mart for some additional supplies because we didn’t know everything they needed. So we got there and I was hanging with Anna. She was pampering herself for the first time in the most minute way though. She got a blue outfit and some fruit spray and shampoo and conditioner. She got new underwear and bras. She felt blessed with the things that we all take for granted. Allen got 2 pairs of shoes and we ended up getting some more food. We headed back and when we got there we unloaded again. We got in and everything was done that we could do and we were ready to head out. They asked if we could just stay a little longer and her threw in some pizza’s and just started talking. By the way while we were there it was impossible to sit because the entire room was stacked with food. How cool is that! When we were at Wal-Mart we had orders from Allen’s mom to come back with some black Reebok shoes. When we came back to the house she walked back and forth in the room every 5 minutes talking about her new shoes. She hadn’t had a new pair of shoes in 45 years. After we ate some pizza we started talking and they were just so thankful. We got them their own bibles and some devotional material. Throughout the last 2 weeks we have been talking back and forth. Progress is being made and God is sweet!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Miracles happen. So here is the reality of what has happened in less than 18 hours. From my last story I wrote about the drug dealer that I talked to the other day well that story didn’t end there. So when I dropped him off I saw about 7 other kids playing outside his house which I assumed were his. I took out a pen and wrote my name and number and said, “If there is anything you think I can do for you I will, give me a call.” So this morning I woke up to a drug dealer at the other side of my phone and he said he needed some help and just wanted to talk. So the whole day I told him I would do my best. Later I decided to go out and I told my friend to come with me, and well, he wanted to go to after I told him what happened. So we ended up meeting Nick and Samantha in downtown Lynchburg. He told me how he just needed some food, so we went in and bought some food. When we came out he told me that he spent his only four dollars to just come and meet me. He told me how tomorrow he just wants to talk. He said I don’t even have to go out and meet him. He just wants to talk and pray and wants to know more about Christ. His girlfriend told me she’s not looking for money or hand me out, just a job. She told me her story about her life. At this point they told me the truth. They said they thought I was just a joke or a charade. They then told me their real names. His name was Alan and hers was Anna. They had questioned all goodness that they have seen and now Christ has just overwhelmed them to know people care about them and so does Christ. Tomorrow my friend that came with me and another guy then myself will come and talk to them but with something as I would describe as a miracle. After talking to them me and my friend hopped in the car and just sat there and talked and started tearing up. When you see real hurt and pain in a person’s eyes you feel it with them. I told Tyler, thanksgiving is coming up and I said I know what I’m thankful for but they don’t. We came back we were both pumped to get people involved and we both. Haha Tyler and I are so alike. We both expected God to do great things. We told out hall and other friends from other halls. Before we had anything happened I was on my way to head out of the dorm. Tyler saw me and asked where I was going. I told him to pray and he said he was coming so we went to the prayer center. We were in there for an hour. He was in one corner and I was in another. I got down on my knees and I cried out to God. I repeatedly said God you are powerful GO GOD GO!!!!!!!! I repeated this constantly while thinking of Alan and Anna their broken hearts and I said GOD YOU ARE GREAT AND DO GREAT THINGS!!!!! I knew God is who He says He is and that this is nothing for him. haha lol and when I said I was crying out to God I mean seas of tears and globs of snot. When I was done Tyler and I prayed together and seriously the prayer was the most important part about today. And normally I don’t mention people’s names at all but while I was writing this he came in and said I could use his name, but back to the miracle. So we shared this with so many people and they shared it to other people. So I went out tonight and drove all around campus with so many halls wanting to give. Right now my truck suv is stacked to the top with food we have over six hundred dollars and more is coming in. I had a guy that felt like he needed to do something and has been riding around on his skateboard all night grabbing food in handfuls dropping it up and then going back to pick up more. O, ya, all this has happened in four hours. Everyone has come together to give this and by the way more is coming. Tomorrow Alan wants to pray and talk about Christianity. They have no clue that this is coming and what’s been going on. We just want to blow their minds. People have been asking why and how has this been happening and for every question we have answered ...GOD! I have been going into other peoples rooms and giving them updates. And as I do this I say if there is one thing I can leave with you it is…this can happen every day. BE BOLD IN CHRIST and you will never be disappointed. Thank you to everyone that has helped and made this possible

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Surprise, No Limits

Today was pretty epic but part of it stared late last night. I got this movie from a Christian store called Encounter. I’ve seen it before but I thought it was the perfect outreach movie so I decided to purchase it. So I ended up watching it with two other friends but it didn’t mean that much to them. After the movie was over I went back to my dorm and a friend called. He had just come back from home so I watched the movie with him again and another guy from our hall asked if he could join us. We said sure. The movie was about Jesus showing up to 5 strangers and addressing each one of their different problems. One of them had been depressed before becoming a Christian. And as the character in the movie was sharing her story the guy we were with just started breaking down. He wasn’t crying but just breathing heavily and covering his face as if he was in shame. As soon as I saw this I began to pray over him. My other friend looked at me and saw me praying and decided to start talking to our dorm mate. He shared with us that he knew he was a Christian but he said he felt so distant from God and started talking about how he had been depressed about certain things. My friend asked him what the most prevalent sin in his life is, and asked him to answer honestly. He said his computer and masturbation. So my friend broke it down to him in scripture about how and why that is wrong. The entire time they were talking I was still praying. And then my dorm mate asked how he was supposed to stop. He said he felt addicted and he knew he should not if he is a Christian because Christ heals all wounds but he said then why can’t I conquer this. He wanted to stop but he just couldn’t and I could see the shame he felt. He kept on repeating that he wanted this to end but he wouldn’t make a commitment and at this point I don’t know why but I got so happy. I stopped praying, hopped out of my seat and came over to sit next to him and I said “You Can.” He just kind of gave me an, ok look. And then I got pumped and asked him if he want this to stop. He said, “Yes.” So I said, “Ok.” I began talking to him about when he starts to bring out his laptop and he gets that little voice in his said to stop or that he shouldn’t be doing that. He said, “ok, ya” as if to continue. And then after you hear that voice you start reasoning with yourself. Again he agreed and as he did this my friend told him the difference between desires and actions. He understood everything so I continued. So I said right when you get that feeling of reasoning in your head I want you to do something crazy. Again he said “ok, what.” I said I want you to jump out of your bed book it down the hall and bang on one of me or my friends doors until we open it and talk it out through scripture. I told him this is how we are going to stop that until there are no more desires anymore. You had to be there though it was so awesome. He said ok and he would try it out next time. So the next morning we got back from church and me and my friend were about to go to sleep and all of sudden we heard some knocking. We totally forgot about it. It was our dorm mate he booked it down the hall just like I said and banged until someone opened the door. He came in and said he had those desires and he started to read some scripture out loud. I mean this was the coolest thing ever. A college student not wanting to be lustful and running down a hall and banging on doors to stop it. man, that takes some guts and it was so awesome to see. But what happened today didn’t stop there. Me and my friend we took some other people into down town Lynchburg to try and help our friends spiritually grow. This time we had a few more than before. We loaded into my car and headed out. So once we got there we prayed and we all headed out in different directions. So at the ended of the day we all had great experiences but what the Lord did was just ridiculous. I went out with my friend and instead of looking for people we just ended up talking about some personal stuff and when we were done we were ready to serve. So from where we were we turned around and right as we turned around a guy approached us. His name was Michael. He came up to me and said he’s seen me before and what I’ve been doing in Lynchburg. I hadn’t met him but he asked for a dollar. I said sorry I don’t have any money but I do have a debit card and I asked him if he was hungry. I told we could go get some food and his eyes lit up and as he did this he yelled out behind him. hey guys lets go this dude is going to buy us some food. So I wasn’t planning on buying 5 people food. It was really just a funny moment though. But as they all came up there was five of them in total. There was Michael who found me, Nick and his girlfriend Samatha, and then Tina and Clumont. I asked them if they were hungry and they all said yes. So I said lets go get some food and we ended up going to Wendy’s. They came in and asked me what we can get. I told them whatever they wanted so each of them as they got in line ordered what they wanted and…it was so funny. After they ordered as much as they could eat each one of them looked back questioning if I was really going to pay for it. To be honest I think that they were just completely shocked. So as we waited for the food I got to talk to a few of them. They were all very grateful. Michael was the first one to talk. he was an older guy and just cracked you up with whatever came out of his mouth. He told me how he had bounced from state to state. He told me about the scariest part of his life about 5 or 6 years ago when he fell asleep and almost froze to death in the winter with several feet of snow and ice on top of him. He told me how he had 15 children. What he told me broke my heart constantly. I got to know each one of them and the last person to talk was Nick. He was huge, a mean a really massive guy and kind of scary looking. He was kind of the leader of the pack. He came over and sat next to me and said what do you want. and I said I don’t want anything. He didn’t believe me. He asked if I just wanted to hear their stories or something. I said no, just saw you guys were hungry and people gotta eat right. He said ok. I said if you guys want to talk that’s fine I can listen and he started telling me his story. He told me that he went to college at Florida State. He told me he was a good football player and the Miami Dolphins wanted him but his mom made him get an education. I asked him, well why are you here. He pulled up his pants and told me he was tackled and the bone below his knee popped out as he showed me his scar. I said ok, so how are you here now on the streets. He then asked me if I wanted him to be honest with me. I said you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to. He then paused for a while and then opened his mouth. He told me he was a drug dealer. And as he told me this he lifted up his shirt and showed me where he had been shot 5 times in the chest and 13 times in the back. He then stopped and asked. Why are you really doing this? I told him, I’m a Christian. And what it means to be a Christian is to love and act on it. I told him, “I’m just trying to show you Christ’s love in a practical way.” He leaned back thought it over for a little while and said, “ok.” the people I was with today told me repeatedly how no one ever does this. They told me how hard things are. I saw it in their eyes as the would order their food, checking to see if I was going to stop them. I saw how they questions kindness in people. This can tear a person down to know what others have experienced and how much grief and sadness there is. But there is hope! Christ tears down all barriers and walls. I talked to a drug dealer today about Christ. That’s crazy. The shepherd calls his sheep and all are meant to hear his call. Before I finished writing this my dorm mate ran down the hall again at 2 a.m. and just pounded on my door asking to read the bible with me because he didn’t want to act out on his desires. Real things happen when you are willing for Christ to lead you. Today was a surprise. I had no clue what God had intended for today but I learned one thing. If you limit, you limit what God can do with you and the cool part is, if you don’t limit God anything can happen.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting Lost

Today I was just having a real urgency to go out and serve. So I told one of my friends and he decided to come along after one of my professors gave a lesson on evangelism. We were planning to do what we have done before, which was talking to people that looked like they could use help. We tried to return to the part of town where we were last time but got completely lost. We actually ended up at a hospital. I started laughing and said, OK! They need help too. Earlier I was thinking of going to a hospital like the movie Patch Adams and then when we got lost at one I started laughing. So me and my friend went around a hospital and got lost in it too. We had no clue what we were going to do there but we prayed to be guided. That didn’t happen lol we thought we could go to a food court but no one was there at 4 so we that ended real fast. We decided to go get a balloon. So I went and purchased a really funny, funny face balloon. I got a piece of paper and wrote down my name and number. We went to the elevator on one of the wings. We really had no clue where we were going or what exactly we were doing just to reiterate. So we got to the third floor went down a hall turned around and asked a nurse, “Who needs a balloon?” they kind of looked at us for a second and then gave us a room number. So we knocked on the door to the patient’s room we came in offering a balloon. Asking how she was doing and talked to her for a while. At first she was very skeptical thinking we were on a routine, doing this for everyone. We told her she was the first. She said things were tough and she needed strength. She said this as she began to cry and talked how it was hard for her and her 8 year old son. She said that is what she needed prayers for (I don’t know if she was a Christian). We then came out of that unit and began to pray. We went down the elevator. And this time my friend bought a balloon. It was the cutest balloon bear ever. We went to a different wing of the hospital, went to the 4th floor and repeated the same thing. This time we met a different lady. We came in gave her a balloon and asked how she was doing. She said, “I’m doing” we talked briefly when we were done she advocated she was a Christian. We held hands and prayed together for her. Earlier today we went out to try and meet people’s physical needs and then trying to help their spiritual needs. It is something totally different when you cannot help person’s physical needs which you are used to making it harder to reach them spiritually. Today was a real humbling day and something we needed to experience. So many people are out there hurting and no one cares about them. I was in a hospital for a few hours today and every patient was alone except for one. That is so lonely and to imagine while a person is intensely sick. This story is not to make people feel sad for others or talk about how unfortunate a situation is. I am sharing this because I hope that it is an eye opener. So many people are stuck in the same room everyday with terrible pain alone. If you want to help someone do it this way.  My pastor quoted Gandhi today saying, “I like your Christ, just not your Christian.” That is such a true statement. As followers of Christ we should try to resemble Christ as much as we can. He spent all his time with the poor and the sick. Today I realized I have forgotten part of His people. I hope you choose to act instead of my mistake. For the people reading this please pray for Suzanne and her son Christopher and Lanle who need constant prayer. Thanks

Sunday, October 30, 2011

What People Can Do

I have not posted anything in a while and I won’t unless something happens. Most posts are only when I evangelize. So today me and 3 other friends went out to a park looking to serve people. We split in two groups trying to talk to people and hear their stories while sharing Jesus with them. We had two guys from my hall that have never evangelized before; they have never went up to a stranger and shared their faith. We(more experienced) guys split up and went with one of them. So the group I was in approached a man. He turned out to be homeless. We told him we were heading to McDonalds and asked if he wanted to join us to get something to eat. He agreed. So he ordered his food and we both got something and sat down with him and began to talk. He was 55 years old and his parents threw him on the streets when he was 5. He would not let us talk or ask question. He just kept on telling us that no one ever cared for him and all people have in life is themselves and that is the only person you can count on. He said you have to have faith and Jesus in God but he did not know what that meant. He thought that his parents were his heaven and to be honest he had mental problems and he told us that he had been locked up before and been locked in a mental ward. It was nearly impossible to talk to him and when I was with him my heart just hurt. He told us that no one cares about him. It was harder to talk to him because we were white and he thought we were different because of race. The homeless man kept on saying how preachers preach and teach but they don’t prove anything. So today I told him that we were not here to preach or to teach but prove that all we wanted to do was listen to him, hear his story and have him eat. When I was hungry did you feed me the lord said and if you see someone like that feed them Christ, feed them YOUR LORD. The guy that was with me came because he had difficulty sharing his faith. We talked afterwards and he talked about how he was discouraged. But honestly I was so proud of him. He is growing as a Christian and it is so cool to see it and he realizes what he needs to do and wants to change. It is so encouraging. To anyone that has problems and wants to grow as a Christian doing things in your comfort zone will not make you grow. But doing things outside of it, being awkward and uncomfortable that’s where it is. That’s where Christ wants to see us and today my friend was part of that. He told me he was discouraged because he couldn't do anything and nothing happened but let me just reiterate WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING, IT IS THE HOLY SPIRTIT AND THE WORD OF GOD THAT CONVICTS AND CHANGES HEARTS. So keep that in mind. the other group had a great experience, talked to multiple people, including a drug dealer that started thinking about Christianity. You never know who Christ will reach and that is what you have to believe in. You have no clue where things are or where they are heading and to be so insecure of what can happen but you are assured that everything will work out because of the Lord. Hebrews 11:1 faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen and Corinthians 1:9 God is faithful. With got the impossible is possible ONLY THROUGH HIM. As I am typing this my friend played amazing grace and I just started crying. The reason why people do not come to Christ and are angry with the Lord is because no one shows them Him. No person is more righteous than another. BBIC…Be Bold In Christ, start to do something, pray deeply and God will appear and He will consume you. To those that are reading this do not be afraid to act the hardest thing is opening your mouth and then everything follows. The title of this is What People Can Do. Don’t be like the people that led a homeless person to hate the world but be like the people who talked to a stranger and reached a drug dealer. You can made a difference. I don’t share names with the people I encounter but I am going to change that. The people’s names I list I need you to pray for. The homeless man’s name is Robert. Pray for him and the guys in the group that are going out to talk to people. Pray for us that people’s ears will be open and receptive. Thank you

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Last Night Dream and a Late Night Text

Previously I wrote that I was looking for financial help through God. He will totally do it I know but last week I had some shortcomings involving a dream and it was the first time in my life where I felt like God could be proud of me or I could be proud of myself. A contact that I got through a dream said the well was dry and no money was going to come in to help me. I had no doubts, no anger, and I didn’t feel like I was being cheated. I knew that this was too easy of a miracle for God to do; I knew that He would do something bigger. Last night I started praying as I have been for friends and family and then a prayer of praise towards Him knowing things would work out. Last night I had a dream. Previously a had asked for large amounts of money and now I know my mission for what to ask for. I will ask 100 people to each give $700 I didn’t even think it through until I woke up and it was all in my dream. I feel like it is the answer. After I woke up, I did the math, and I immediately text rusty. He is the contact I have been talking about. I told him the idea, and he replied back a few minutes later at 2:30 in the morning saying, “I’m in CA til Monday. Try to get with me next wed let’s see what the Lord can do!” (word for word).  I’m psyched I couldn’t even go to sleep, I mean who does this and I am just so thankful for all the help given to me. I am so ready and I have allot of ideas about how to raise it but I have to stop. This isn’t me, its God, and nothing will continue without His approval. I have now learned my lesson. I will continue to be open until I am led.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

God is Great, all you have to do is listen

I just woke up this morning and man does God do some cool things. So recently I was given hope for school but looked like it wasn’t going to work out but I said I will bend but I won’t beak. I will praise the lord in all things that He does. Yesterday I called my cousin who I have not talked to in 12 years. I just hear about him through my other family on the west coast and they do not get along. I called around my family to find out how to contact him and finally got the number from my grandma. I told my uncle earlier and he said good luck. So I called and left a message saying he was my family and I haven’t really cared about him and that’s not what family does and just wanted to apologize and talk to him. He texted me back saying hi. That was something great in and of itself but later I called him and we talked for a little under an hour and just to hear from him and for him to be open. I called him while he was driving to find a new job in Kansas a few hours away and he said talking was better than driving alone. I probably couldn’t have called at a better time but it was so great to hear from him and how he is doing. So I will continue to talk to him and pray for his and his family.
Then later that night God did not stop there. Me and six other guys from my dorm went to an all you can eat buffet…yum! Haha it was great but we were seated and of course we started eating but I felt something for our server and I don’t know how to describe it. You just see it on her face trying to hide something. So I went over and approached her. I said is everything alright, can I pray for you for anything and she immediately stated weeping. She walked over into the other room and continued to cried and I said what’s wrong. She started crying some more and said how her life just sucks. How she came to this buffet expecting better work and how the manager does not like her and is reducing her days. She said that they are just not nice and are messing with her life. She said she was about to walk out that night. We talked a little long and she gave me a big hug. She said thanks for caring because not many people do. At that point I started feeling pain that there are so many people who just need a person to care and people don’t. I went back to sit at my table with my friends and they saw what was happening so I told them what was going on and asked them if we could start praying for her so we went around in a circle. Man, I have a passion for people so much and that yesterday God humbles me to be thankful for everything I have and when you do great deeds they are nothing but when you do them because of God greater things happen. God keeps on raising the bar and I will do my best rise with it but the lesson I learn the most is to listen. Listen to the people around you and the voice inside your head and marvelous things can happen.

Friday, October 14, 2011


A while back now I had a dream to come to liberty so I did. It was more than that but I gave everything up to come here. I gave everything up to gain more. This school, Liberty University costs 100000. Money I don’t have. I was ready for God to provide and He said He would. Because of that I had another dream and I followed that. I met with rusty yesterday and he said the well is dried up, I have nothing for you. i will not forget what God has done for me, right now I am digging my hole and God will fill it. I am probably in one of the most insecure situations but I am assured in my God. At first I thought this was a great miracle but I guess God has a greater one planned in store and I am ready to receive. God, You are great and I can never get mad at The One who gives me so much. I am thankful and will shine Your Light and thank You for reminding me that “ministry starts with your family” I will remember. I pray for my cousin and I know that You will reach Him, the prayer does not stop here so I will not say Amen but I will invest in Your Name, Amen.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Today was my first day getting back to my Tuesday Thursday schedule and this morning I found out that I had to write a three page paper on The Biblical Evidence for the Imminence of the Rapture. It was a 13 page paper I had to read and there were a few main points in the article. The main gist of it was that Jesus is coming, there will be no hint, and he will be like “a thief in the night” and take those that are His with Him. Since the article stated this there were only two things one can take away that this is awesome that Jesus is coming but you have to be prepared for it. What I mean by that is if you knew you were 1 day away from Jesus coming what could you practically for Him. What I thought is to share or encourage those that are close to me about Christianity. Christ is reliable and I have security through Him. My teacher has mentioned it many times but I have not followed it but it was relative at that moment of what I should do. So I asked my R.A. who on our hall is not saved, he told me to go to the prayer leaders (they are in charge of getting to know people on the dorms spiritually in small groups). So it is awkward asking who is saved and who is not but they are the closest people that the Lord can touch in a day to day life with me so I hope and pray for the best. I will continue to find out who they are and show them in a practical way the love of Christ while spending time with them. Any progress made will later be reported. But for anyone who is reading this I would love some feedback to know your stories of how you have reached others, what you have done, and what you are doing to be ready for when Christ comes as The Thief in the night. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

This Last Weekend

So I am trying to do a catch up of what’s been going on in the last few months but this last weekend I came home for fall break and I had breakfast with my cousin which was a pretty big deal considering I have not talked to her in the last 6 years because of a family dispute. As a Christian how hypocritical am I to cut off my cousin so I had breakfast with her in Tysons, VA at silver diner we talked and it was awesome to see her. I missed her so much; when I was younger I spent time with her constantly. She was the one who taught me how to tell the difference between my left and right. But while I was talking to her I realized how spiritually lost she was. We talked about what she believed and all I can say is it didn’t get anywhere but I will continue to pray for her and hope that her hearts becomes open. I think she misunderstood why I was there. I think she thought I had the intentions of evangelizing to her I didn’t I just wanted to know her point of view. I text her after explaining that and how I was just there because she was my family and I love her. Which I can see sounds hypocritical considering I cut all contact from my cousin for 6 years but I hope she knows that I meant it sincerely. Then I finally finished my sister birthday present which was 3 weeks to late but I gave her the notes and highlights from my bible transferred to one for her…it took forever haha but so worth it. And then the last day, Sunday right before I went to dinner with my dad I gave told my mom something. Previously I used to be in the party scene and it was never bad enough that something had to shock me to stop I just got tired with it and I had stashes of alcohol throughout my house. To be honest I completely forgot about it but I piled all of them up and I told my mom I just didn’t have a need for them anymore. I brought her into my room to show her and she was shocked. She didn’t know if she was supposed to punish me or congratulate me. I knew this cause when told me lol but about 4 feet or stacked alcohol probably estimating around $400. I really didn’t think that it would be such a big deal but after I felt sooo much better. The cool thing is when I used to say I was Christian I would do things gradually that I thought were good but I just feel like I’m just acting like this because…no intensions behind my actions, just because. It feels great and I am so thankful to have this blessing in my life. I will write some more tomorrow but now I am officially pooped and going to bed. Goodnight God, keep my friends and family safe and let others see You through Your followers actions in love for You, Amen.


So this is my first day of blogging which is a little foreign to me but here it goes… i know i don’t have all the answers but it would be nice if i did. just got back from fall break and I’m totally wiped with keeping up with school work but  i called rusty today and it went to voicemail but he called back later and said he would like to meet me and looks forward to it. Also i went to Wal-Mart originally to play tag inside but ended up just getting food and on the way out as me and my friends were leaving i saw a young guy in raggedy clothes. We went past him and i yelled out "a person we can talk to" while we were in the car and i told them to turn around. I asked them if anyone wanted to come, one agreed and we made our way. We came up to this guy and he had a nose ring like a bull. He was very nice and friendly and we started talking to him. He was just a wanderer hanging out with friends from state to state. He was a foster kid and his adopted parents raised 5 other foster children. This guy had nothing. He hated working and decided he never wanted to so his friends go around playing blue grass music and he goes along for the ride. He was just looking for gas money my friend gave him $10 and i gave him $4. The guy was just really thankful and it was just really hard to get him to talk about his spirituality. But he said he was atheist and he was trying to not be offensive but said the reason why he probably didn’t believe in anything was because of hypocritical Christians. That one really struck a nerve with me. I hate that, when God just wants to claim his children but another child dissuades. I want to be able to change that one day but this guy was content with his life, so he said, but i ran in to grab a pen and a piece of paper, wrote my name and number and gave it to him and said when he has questions about God or Christianity call me and if he is ever in Virginia and needs some  help call me and  i would.  There was nothing that i could do to turn him to Christianity which i understand; i know that is the job of the Holy Spirit and no one takes credit to that but God. i wish there was something i could have said that offered more help but at the end of the day i am humbled and know i am still learning... All I can do is to continue to pray for him and that continual messengers would be sent so he knows he matters to God