Sunday, December 11, 2011

Not a Failure

Two nights ago on Friday I was getting ready to go home early. I had finished my exams. To leave campus all I had to do was clean my room. I just wanted to take a nap but I ended up oversleeping by a few hours. I came out of my room after waking up and was getting ready to clean my room and pack up my car. I saw a friend on the hall came up and asked how he was doing he said fine. Just small talk. The conversation ended and as he left the hall. I just stood there frozen. I ran out of the hall caught up with him and asked what was going on. I really didn’t know but he had been thrown off the hall, his keys were taken away from him and his door was locked so he couldn’t get his stuff out of his room. After this I felt like something weird was up I called a friend who knew him better and asked him concerning my dorm mate’s stress. I told him I felt like something was up and he agreed. So I waited outside by dorm mate’s new hall for a few minutes while trying to get in. I eventually caught up to him and told him to come to dinner with me.  We got our food and sat down said grace and started eating. Nothing was being said and I had no clue what to do. I asked him what he was thinking. He was planning on killing himself. This entire time I was praying while he was talking. He just started crying. He has a hard time making friends and he had been thrown off of his hall a week before the semester ended. He said how he feels like no one cares about him and how he is a failure. He told me that no one would care if he died. I told him a cared and I was his friend. I told him that if he would have done this to himself he would hurt me. I told him not to hurt me and he made a promise that he wouldn’t again. I told him that other people care about him and that they would be hurt too if he had hurt himself. He texted them and they showed up within minutes and reinforced everything that was said. We talked for a long time. We got back to his new hall. His new R.A. hear the situation, called him up and hung out with him the entire night and introduced him to other guys on the hall. This all started because his roommates made him feel isolated and alone. That night something bad was going to happen and God saved his life. All people just need someone to talk to and someone to tell them how much they are worth in the eyes of God. He is priceless and now he knows it.

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