Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Miracles happen. So here is the reality of what has happened in less than 18 hours. From my last story I wrote about the drug dealer that I talked to the other day well that story didn’t end there. So when I dropped him off I saw about 7 other kids playing outside his house which I assumed were his. I took out a pen and wrote my name and number and said, “If there is anything you think I can do for you I will, give me a call.” So this morning I woke up to a drug dealer at the other side of my phone and he said he needed some help and just wanted to talk. So the whole day I told him I would do my best. Later I decided to go out and I told my friend to come with me, and well, he wanted to go to after I told him what happened. So we ended up meeting Nick and Samantha in downtown Lynchburg. He told me how he just needed some food, so we went in and bought some food. When we came out he told me that he spent his only four dollars to just come and meet me. He told me how tomorrow he just wants to talk. He said I don’t even have to go out and meet him. He just wants to talk and pray and wants to know more about Christ. His girlfriend told me she’s not looking for money or hand me out, just a job. She told me her story about her life. At this point they told me the truth. They said they thought I was just a joke or a charade. They then told me their real names. His name was Alan and hers was Anna. They had questioned all goodness that they have seen and now Christ has just overwhelmed them to know people care about them and so does Christ. Tomorrow my friend that came with me and another guy then myself will come and talk to them but with something as I would describe as a miracle. After talking to them me and my friend hopped in the car and just sat there and talked and started tearing up. When you see real hurt and pain in a person’s eyes you feel it with them. I told Tyler, thanksgiving is coming up and I said I know what I’m thankful for but they don’t. We came back we were both pumped to get people involved and we both. Haha Tyler and I are so alike. We both expected God to do great things. We told out hall and other friends from other halls. Before we had anything happened I was on my way to head out of the dorm. Tyler saw me and asked where I was going. I told him to pray and he said he was coming so we went to the prayer center. We were in there for an hour. He was in one corner and I was in another. I got down on my knees and I cried out to God. I repeatedly said God you are powerful GO GOD GO!!!!!!!! I repeated this constantly while thinking of Alan and Anna their broken hearts and I said GOD YOU ARE GREAT AND DO GREAT THINGS!!!!! I knew God is who He says He is and that this is nothing for him. haha lol and when I said I was crying out to God I mean seas of tears and globs of snot. When I was done Tyler and I prayed together and seriously the prayer was the most important part about today. And normally I don’t mention people’s names at all but while I was writing this he came in and said I could use his name, but back to the miracle. So we shared this with so many people and they shared it to other people. So I went out tonight and drove all around campus with so many halls wanting to give. Right now my truck suv is stacked to the top with food we have over six hundred dollars and more is coming in. I had a guy that felt like he needed to do something and has been riding around on his skateboard all night grabbing food in handfuls dropping it up and then going back to pick up more. O, ya, all this has happened in four hours. Everyone has come together to give this and by the way more is coming. Tomorrow Alan wants to pray and talk about Christianity. They have no clue that this is coming and what’s been going on. We just want to blow their minds. People have been asking why and how has this been happening and for every question we have answered ...GOD! I have been going into other peoples rooms and giving them updates. And as I do this I say if there is one thing I can leave with you it is…this can happen every day. BE BOLD IN CHRIST and you will never be disappointed. Thank you to everyone that has helped and made this possible

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